Tuesday, February 17, 2009

interview with diet girl

RT: Do you have any tips or tricks for women out there who might want to follow your example but don't know where to start?
DG: I always say just start somewhere… anywhere! I used to always think the perfect time and/or the perfect weight-loss program would come along, and THEN I’d do something about my weight. But that never happened. You just need to take one little step in a more positive direction - going for a walk, joining a Weight Watchers meeting, throwing out all the crappy food in your pantry.
It also helps to figure out some goals. Where do you want to be a year from now? Maybe you want to lose X pounds, fit into Y jeans, be able to run or do yoga or just walk without wheezing! It’s good to keep the Big Picture in mind to remind you why you’re going for a walk instead of eating the cupcakes. Then you start thinking about the Little Picture - how to break those big lofty goals into little steps. If you’re completely overwhelmed, don’t try and change too much at once. Set yourself little tasks then build up from there.
The biggest thing to remember is you’re not alone! There’s so much support and help out there. I find the online community invaluable - blogs and forums - for inspiration and information. Or you might have a friend or family member that can help. I think it’s so important to have someone to talk, because you will have ups and downs and a good support network can mean the difference between keeping on or giving up!
RT: I get a lot of emails at RealWomensFitness.com from women who have trouble sticking to their diet or exercise plans. Do you have any tips or tricks that you use to make sure you don't fall off the path?
DG: My biggest tip is to accept that you will fall off the path from time to time. Long-term success is just about getting back on it as soon as you can, and keep doing that over and over again, for as long as it takes. Keep reminding yourself what it is you’re aiming for, then get back to it. It’s about persistence, not perfection.
RT: Another serious issue we have been talking about at RWF is the increasing number of women who are getting cosmetic surgery. Would you ever consider this type of surgery and do you think there is a problem with it?
DG: I don’t have a problem with it - to each their own! It’s not something that I would do. My body has been through a helluva ride and I’m proud of it for hanging in there. I’ve got curves, I’ve got stretchmarks, I’ve got muscles and they’re all part of me and the journey I’ve been on. I don’t feel the need to tamper with it at all.
RT: If you had to summarize everything you knew about losing weight into three pieces of advice for women who are doing the same what would they be?
DG: Be patient, be determined, keep a sense of humour and never forget there is so much more to you and life than what you weigh.
RT: Diet Girl, thanks for taking the time to do this interview. I hope to see you around at RWF again soon!

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